Data Storage Companies Top Latest Forbes List
April 7, 2010
As data grows by leaps and bounds, so too are the companies that store it. Enterprise Storage Forum looks at the storage networking companies ranked near the top of Forbes' list of fastest-growing tech companies.
It's no secret that data has been growing so fast that enterprises have trouble
keeping up with it all, so perhaps it's not surprising that data storage networking
companies ranked near the top of
Forbes' list of fastest-growing tech companies.
The list of the 25 fastest-growing publicly traded technology companies, published
last week, ranked Compellent number three and 3PAR number four.
The rebounding economy was kind to both companies. Compellent doubled its sales last
year, while 3PAR grew 80 percent.
The number two company on the list -- Riverbed Technology -- also owes its growth to
the data boom. Riverbed, which accelerates access to data across wide area networks
(WANs), grew 165 percent last year.
Read the rest of "Data Storage Companies Top Forbes' Fast-Growing Tech List" at Enterprise Storage Forum
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